
Improving Relationships with Food, Body, and Self with Nutrition Therapy, Somatic Experiencing,™ and the Written Word.

Meet Heidi

I am Heidi Schauster, MS, RD, LDN, CEDS-S, SEP of Nourishing Words Nutrition Therapy and Somatic Experiencing™ in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. I am a nutrition therapist with nearly 30 years of experience in the field of disordered eating, an author, educator, clinical supervisor/consultant, and “embodiment warrior.” I look forward to the opportunity to help YOU feel nourished, embodied, and connected to what is meaningful in your life.

Confused by the conflicting messages about what to eat and how to take care of your body?

Are you…

Recovering from disordered eating and/or trauma, but still feel stuck in your relationship with food or your body?

Ready to find balance with food, discover your unique movement style, and feel better in your body, mind, and spirit?

Wanting to establish nourishing practices, care for your nervous system, and feel at home in your body and Self?

If any of this feels true, I would be happy to help you on your journey toward embodiment.

Explore Books

Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self

Read a FREE sample of my new book, Nurture: How to Raise Kids Who Love, Food, Their Bodies, and Themselves

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You will receive my biweekly newsletter aimed at helping you nurture yourself and the next generation with care. I particularly love supporting those who want to change the conversations around food and bodies to be more inclusive — as well as those in midlife who want to nourish themselves and fill their nest.

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