Sometimes a face plant is a prayer.

As I lie chest down in the tall grass and do as I often do in the morning (write), it feels different to be supported by the Earth in her Spring Splendor. A tree shades. Bees buzz by. Birds twitter overhead. A bunny hops close because I am so still. I am at home and I want and need nothing but the cool freshness of the lush green Earth under my belly. 

I come here to rest, reflect, re-energize after a full and feverish week. I feel so much and let it go into the moist, receptive ground beneath me. Insects crawl around my limbs, like my thoughts trying to take me from this reverie. I smile at the tickling distractions and return to letting go. 

I’m not doing. I’m not striving. I’m not creating. There is time enough for that. I am simply being with Mother Earth, letting her thank me for caring for her in my own small ways. Letting her embrace me in a grassy hug. She sees the shifts within me and she is open and receptive and unconditionally accepting. 

There is no greater prayer for me than feeling the weight of my body on the Earth. In these challenging times, I need to pray this way often. (Yes, sometimes a face plant is a prayer.) I feel deeply how grateful I am to be in a body. These silent, spacious moments allow me to take up space so that I may create space for others and be a small-but-mighty force of radiant hope in a troubled world.

Body acceptance and connection is one of the hardest steps for clients and readers of my book Nourish. Everyone’s path to embodiment is unique. When do you feel grateful to be in your body? How does connecting with your body and senses support your Self, your relationships with other human beings, and your very own life path?


Reframing “Exercise”


What is Embodied Living?